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Prof. YUAN Lili
innovation of social governance, philanthropy, gender studies, and poverty alleviation

Yuan Lili graduated from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, with a Ph.D in History and civilisations, and postdoctor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Research fields: innovation of social governance, philanthropy, gender studies, and poverty alleviation. She has published several papers in the Historiography Quaterly and China Third Sector Research, and some reviews in French or Chinese, one of which has been reprinted by Chinese Social Science Digest. She has also translated three articles with two reprinted by Periodical Literature Reprinted by Renmin University of China (Renda Baokan fuyin ziliao), and participated two monographs from English and French into Chinese, one is Global Fundraising : How the World Is Changing the Rules of Philanthropy. Besides, she is now in charge of the project of the Resources Integration Mechanism of Charitable Trust under the Strategy of Poverty Alleviation (National Social Science Youth Project), and the program of “Socialization of the Sophisticated Management of City”. She also took part in the research of a major program—Promotion of the Innovation in the Charitable Legal System in China, and was a member of the research group for the program “Practices and Development of Charitable Trust in Shanghai, which was awarded Top Ten Prize of Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau and Third Prize of Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. Now, she is a Member of Shanghai Society in Charitable Law.

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