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Prof. XUE Yali
Risk sociology, cultural sociology, family sociology.

Xue Yali has a Ph.D. in Sociology. Her research interests concern risk sociology, cultural sociology, and the sociology of the family. She has headed a National Social Science Fund project “Effect, Dilemma and Countermeasures of ‘Family-as-a-Group’ Population Flow”; “Exploration and Analysis of the Roots of Modern Social Risks” and other policy-making consulting projects. She has published a monograph Village Gossip - its Function, Significance and Power. Her published papers are focused on teaching and application of qualitative research methods. More than 20 of her papers have been published in the Academic Monthly and other periodicals. She has offered a course on Qualitative Research Methods for graduate students, and has visited various countries, including Russia and Japan, as well as regions such as Taiwan and Hong Kong for academic exchanges.

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